How to keep dogs cool in hot wevver by Peaches


Today I fort I would write a information blog to show all the hoomans how to keep us doggies cool in this very hot wevver!

Here in the UK it has been very, very hot, almost a fousand degrees at least!!!

These are the important fings to remember when it’s really hot

  1. always have fresh water available
  2. have sum shade for us to lay in
  3. dont walk us when it’s really hot, go early morning or late at night when it’s cooler
  4. don’t play ball or chase even if we normally do (dis is ticularly importants) we could get zorsted!!!
  5. if the Tarmac is too hot for your bare hands it’s too hot for our paws!
  6. never, ever, ever leave us in a car!!!!

The last one is probably the mostest important rool to remember.

We normally go for luffly walkies so hoomummy and daddy had to find ternative ways to entertain us and keep us cool, we have had normal paddling pools in the past but we’ve dedded them and couldn’t use them anymore! Instead we got a hoopuppy sand pit but filled it with water, pawsome:)

First we played bobbing for the borlie….

Then hoodaddy had a fabuloustastic idea of putting our footborlie in the pool, we luffs this lots..

Pawsome eh? I hopes you luffs my information post, keep your doggies cool, speak soon, luffs Peaches xx

Published by

Debbie - Terrier Tails

Jack Russell owner from Derbyshire UK. I also have a horse and work in the equestrian industry.

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