Bouncing Borlie


For those of yous who follows me on Facebooky you will av already seen our bouncing borlie video. It’s pretty pawsome, hoodaddy ad to blows some air into it and den he hunged it on the washing line, me and Bella spends hours bouncing trying to hit it wiv our noses, it’s amazeballs fun and hoomummy says it wears us out so they gets some peace, how rood!!

But one day I did get a bit too excitids and I did bite the borlie oops! It bursted and we dedded it! Our bouncy borlie was no more:( but den hoodaddy to the rescue, he did get our footborlie and stucked it to the boingy fing and nows we can play bouncing again yeyyyyyyy:)

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Even my bruvver Archie likes playing wiv it, he luffs borlies like me:)

I hopes you av enjoyed my videos, speak soon, luffs Peaches xx

Published by

Debbie - Terrier Tails

Jack Russell owner from Derbyshire UK. I also have a horse and work in the equestrian industry.

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