

Sorry I haven’t writtened a post for a while but we have been on our holibobs to North Wales. We had a fantabulous time and Hoomummy and Daddy did too:)

We stayed at a wonderful doggie frendly farm, check it out here…


Every morning went for walkies on the beach, we found lots of fings, like a zombie crab!!!

We luffed finding pretty rocks and seashells, this was a hooge stripy one!
We played ball in the paddock in front of our cottage, it was excellent for zoomies too:)
There was also ten million billion fousand wabbits! We had fun chasing them but we never catched one….
Every evening we had another walk on the beach to watch the sunny setting…
We went visiting castles, we does like visiting castles, this is me peeping out the castle checking for zombies!!!!
One day we visited a village called Beddgelert, we went to see the grave of a very brave hound called Gelert, it was a very sad story:(
The cottage was very cosy with a luffly secure garden for us to play in and do some sunny bathing, Panda ticularly luffed the log burning fing..
I do hope we can all go back for another holibobs soon!
Speak soon, luff Peaches xx