A Leap Year Proposal!


Yeyyyyyy I iz bak! I did be sayins to hoomummy 'we avn't duns a blog for like a fousand yeers!' So she sez 'okeys, we can do wun bouts leep yeer' 🙂

So, 4 yeers agos hoomummy jus dicided onz leep yeer day dat it woz bouts time dat hers and hoodaddy shud get marrids! She did showts me into the lownge and puts a rwibbin rownds me neck wivs a nowt on it, dis did say 'will you marry me?'

Hoodaddy woz makins tea and I dids runned in, he pikked me up an reds the nowt, he woz speechluss!! Bol…… He dids say 'wot! Are yoo seerius?' You sees hoomummy an daddy av bins togevvers for a billeon yeers, so he didnts fink she meened it:) Hoomummy dids meens it tho, fankfully he dids say 'yes' hoomummy's eyes did leeks, hoomums do dat lots, weerd:/ we all ad cudduls and cakes, nom nom, lishus!
Dens a yeer laters dey dids gets marrid and gess wot? We woz all bridedoggs wiv speshul blingi leeds and collers, an we ad mor cakes an yummi fud, eres sum fotos of us…
Dis iz moi…



I opes yoo enjoyd me leep yeer storee, speek soons, luff Peaches xx




Sorry I haven’t writtened a post for a while but we have been on our holibobs to North Wales. We had a fantabulous time and Hoomummy and Daddy did too:)

We stayed at a wonderful doggie frendly farm, check it out here…


Every morning went for walkies on the beach, we found lots of fings, like a zombie crab!!!

We luffed finding pretty rocks and seashells, this was a hooge stripy one!
We played ball in the paddock in front of our cottage, it was excellent for zoomies too:)
There was also ten million billion fousand wabbits! We had fun chasing them but we never catched one….
Every evening we had another walk on the beach to watch the sunny setting…
We went visiting castles, we does like visiting castles, this is me peeping out the castle checking for zombies!!!!
One day we visited a village called Beddgelert, we went to see the grave of a very brave hound called Gelert, it was a very sad story:(
The cottage was very cosy with a luffly secure garden for us to play in and do some sunny bathing, Panda ticularly luffed the log burning fing..
I do hope we can all go back for another holibobs soon!
Speak soon, luff Peaches xx


Tweeting and Zombie Hunting!


Wow wot a busy week I have had, first we had some teknical issues with my blog.

You see I did get myself a Twitter account, me and hoomummy couldn’t believe how many followers I did have within minutes and now today I has a whole 100 followers!!!! You wouldn’t believe how many of us pooches are on there:)

I also joined a Zombie Squad HQ, they’re pretty pawsome! I had to swear an oaf to be able to join!

You see zombies are everywhere, we have to go in the garden and see them off, see them off if we hear a noise outside and we’re inside and we hunt for them on our walkies along with Gruffalos and looking for fings too! It is our dooty to protect hoomans from zombies as you can’t see them.
This is me and Bella having a elf and safety lekture from hoodaddy about zombie hunting in the woods.
This is moi checking for zombies in the trees!

The teknical issues were due to not being able to put a linky fing on my blog so that you can find me self on Twitter. Eventually hoomummy who is also my sekretary, as well as being Mummy, managed to figure it out, I got a bit bored and had a little snooze:/
If you click the menu at the top of my blog you’ll find my Facebooky and Twittering links, or if you can already tweet it’s @terrier_tails
I’m off to get some zombies now, speak soon luff Peaches xx

Exciting News!


You won’t believe what news I have, never in a million, billion years!! I’ve only been chosen to appear in a calendar! They hang on the wall with numbers and pictures on them so our hoomans knows what day it is, I know weird eh? (shakes head)

I posted my picture on an artist Facebooky page and she luffed it so much I was chosen along with other doggies, one for each month, I wonder what month I’ll be. If you’d luff to have one on your wall you can probably get one via this page, keep looking for when they become available:)


Today was so luffly we did lots of running….

image image imageAnd lots of posing, I luffs posing…

I hope you all had an exciting weekend too:)
Luff Peaches xxx

A Bear or Gruffalo?


For those who follow my Facebooky page, you'll know that a few weeks ago we found some hooge, mahoosive foot prints!!!

Well, I did fink they was a big grizzly bear's prints, but Panda did fink they belonged to a Gruffalo. That's because in the woods we have found a Gruffalos's house! Here's one we did see on a walk before…
It was very windy on our walkies today, but we still did do looking for a bear or a Gruffalo, we was very busy…
It was so windy our ears were blowing off!!!!
Anyways, you never gonna guess in a thousand, billion, million years what we did find in the woods today, only a bear house!!!!
Now we don't know whether they are bear prints or Gruffalo prints! What do you all fink?
Speak soon, luff Peaches xx

The Finker


Today I have mostly been finking, Mummy says I've always been a finker, this is me when I was little, I'm sitting finking in the garden.

I fink about fings, about being busy, about playing ball, food and sleeping. Sometimes I borrow Mummy's glasses to fink.
Sometimes I sunbathe while I'm finking.
Sometimes I fink 'why won't Mummy share her hot chocolate with me?'
I fink I might have a snooze now, speak soon, luff Peaches xx


Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Woof….. Phew we is all worn out.

Baby Bella is now six months old and full of beans, (which is wierd cos she doesn’t eat beans) me, hooman Mummy and Daddy seem to spend all day trying to wear her out.

We go for walks, we play ball, Panda and me take it in turns to chase her, but she still out runs all of us!!

But sometimes she does sleep and she’s particularly cute when she’s sleeping, I thought you’d like to see some photos of these special moments, they are very, very rare!!

When she finally goes to bed, Bella luffs to snuggle in with her Aunty Twinkle:)

Good night from me and Bella, speak soon, luff Peaches xx

Show offs!

Woof…… Tee hee, we’ve had fun tonight. Me and Bella have been to ringcraft training, Daddy took some videos of us both. I thought you might like to see them:)

This video is Bella, she’s doing her best dressage trot, almost as good as Mr Storm (Mummy’s horse)…


I’m a lot more nervous than baby Bella, Mummy says it’s because I didn’t get to go to any training like this when I was a baby:( This is me, my tail generally never stops wagging, I likes wagging my tail.


When we’ve finished training the hoomans have cups of tea, Bella and her brother Harvey like to play, tonight they played like boxing hares! Thems is big eared wabbity fings…

I hope you enjoy the videos. Speak soon, luff Peaches xx



Birfday Walkies

Woof…… We've had a pawsome day. Last week it was our friend Rommel's birfday, he was 12 whole years old.

His Mummy organised a birfday party walkies in Chatsworth Park, our favourite place ever! We gave him a squeaky ball and some chews for his pressie.

There was 9 dogs and 7 hoomans! We all get on really well and we luffs running round chasing each other. Our favourite fing is to paddle in the river:) Here's some of the photos that Daddy took…

I hope you all had a luffly weekend too. Speak soon, luff Peaches xx