Happy Easter


Yesterday, despite the awful weather, we did go to a fun dog show. We got lots of rosettes and some yummy treats.

I got 2nd in Best Bitch, I also went in the Waggiest Tail, but as it was raining, cold an horrible I was a bit reluctant to keep wagging my tail, I got 5th place:(

Bella was a little superstar and got 2nd in Puppy 12months and under, she also got =5th in Best Pedigree:)

Panda just did the Veteran 7+ class and she got =6th.

The best class was Best Pair of Dogs (that look alike), me and Bella went in it, and guess what, we only went and won it!! And guess what else, we both got a red rosette each, pawsome!! I luffs rosettes and we won a goody bag of treats too.

This is our stash of rosettes and treats

Naughty Mummy has been turning us into Easter Bunnies, I'm not really impressed, humph!
It's very important not to let your pooches eat Easter Eggs, Mummy says it would make us very poorly and sick:( We wouldn't like that! I hope the weather improves cos Mummy is not at work, yeyyyy, fun times.
Anyways Happy Easter from all of us, luff Peaches xx


The Finker


Today I have mostly been finking, Mummy says I've always been a finker, this is me when I was little, I'm sitting finking in the garden.

I fink about fings, about being busy, about playing ball, food and sleeping. Sometimes I borrow Mummy's glasses to fink.
Sometimes I sunbathe while I'm finking.
Sometimes I fink 'why won't Mummy share her hot chocolate with me?'
I fink I might have a snooze now, speak soon, luff Peaches xx


Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Woof….. Phew we is all worn out.

Baby Bella is now six months old and full of beans, (which is wierd cos she doesn’t eat beans) me, hooman Mummy and Daddy seem to spend all day trying to wear her out.

We go for walks, we play ball, Panda and me take it in turns to chase her, but she still out runs all of us!!

But sometimes she does sleep and she’s particularly cute when she’s sleeping, I thought you’d like to see some photos of these special moments, they are very, very rare!!

When she finally goes to bed, Bella luffs to snuggle in with her Aunty Twinkle:)

Good night from me and Bella, speak soon, luff Peaches xx

Show offs!

Woof…… Tee hee, we’ve had fun tonight. Me and Bella have been to ringcraft training, Daddy took some videos of us both. I thought you might like to see them:)

This video is Bella, she’s doing her best dressage trot, almost as good as Mr Storm (Mummy’s horse)…


I’m a lot more nervous than baby Bella, Mummy says it’s because I didn’t get to go to any training like this when I was a baby:( This is me, my tail generally never stops wagging, I likes wagging my tail.


When we’ve finished training the hoomans have cups of tea, Bella and her brother Harvey like to play, tonight they played like boxing hares! Thems is big eared wabbity fings…

I hope you enjoy the videos. Speak soon, luff Peaches xx



Birfday Walkies

Woof…… We've had a pawsome day. Last week it was our friend Rommel's birfday, he was 12 whole years old.

His Mummy organised a birfday party walkies in Chatsworth Park, our favourite place ever! We gave him a squeaky ball and some chews for his pressie.

There was 9 dogs and 7 hoomans! We all get on really well and we luffs running round chasing each other. Our favourite fing is to paddle in the river:) Here's some of the photos that Daddy took…

I hope you all had a luffly weekend too. Speak soon, luff Peaches xx


Woof…….. Wow, what a busy weekend. Sorry I'm late writing my blog, we've spent the weekend glued to the TV watching Crufts.

How fabulous was the final Best in Show, we were routing for the Flat Coat Retriever called Dublin, he was pawsome:)

In between watching TV we did lots of running and ball fetching, my favourite game ever!

I'm very sneakies. When Daddy is going to throw the ball, Bella waits for him to throw it, but I'm already zooming off ready to get the ball before Bella! Tee hee, she's not worked it out yet, bol…..
I would like to wish one of my bestest friends Rommel a very happy birthday for yesterday, he was 12 whole years old, he's a German Short Haired Pointer. We allow him to be a honorary Jack Russell:) Xxxx
Speak soon, luff Peaches xx



Woof….. Today has been the first nice day for ages, we have been very busy. Mainly looking for fings, they are what you look for when you are busy!

I also did rolling in some fings poo, pretty cool huh?

Mummy wasn't impressed, don't know why!
Speak soon, luff Peaches xx


Favourite toys


This week I did a survey on my Facebooky page about favourite toys, these are mine and Bella's

This is Scully, he lives in Canada! He has a pink pig..

Max has a hotdog, cool….

Lola luffs balls like me….

Mac improvised with a bottle that he found, bol…..

Patch has a cool Gingerbread man, apparently it's had quite a bit of surgery!!

Bowie has a toy that looks like him and doubles up as a pillow, cool….

Boris luffs these Kong Donuts, they're pawsome….

We had fun hearing about everyone's favourite toys:)
Speak soon, luff Peaches xx



Our favourites


Hooman Mummy has been to a trade fair today, we couldn't go, I wasn't happy about that! I mean why can't doggies go too?

She had a catch up with the lovely company VetSpec that make our favourite products….
Panda and Twinkle have the VetSpec Senior, cos they are really old, and me and Bella have VetSpec Healthy Dog, we all luffs it and it keeps us all fit and well, we can thoroughly recommend them:)
Speak soon, luff Peaches xx